Friday, July 19, 2019

Murderer of the Month #6: JR - 12-year old Canadian girl

JR was only 12 years old when she helped her 23-year-old boyfriend knife her family to death in the infamous goth killings in Medicine Hat, Canada. (The Richardson family murders)

Actual Photo of JR (Age 12) posted on social networking page
(Gun is a fake)

It was her who had pressured and demanded the killings.
It was her who knifed her 8-year-old brother - her boyfriend never touched him.

She was diagnosed as sociopathic, but because Canadian law demands that offenders that young get the minimum sentence possible, she only got 10 years: 2 were already served, 4 were in an expensive mental care facility, and 4 are actually out (supervised...she's just on probation pretty much).

Anyway, she's been out since she was 18 - she's already well into her 20s.

The age of criminal responsibility in Canada is 12, so if she had done this 6 months earlier, she would have only gotten probation.

Her boyfriend was never charged for having a sexual relationship with a 12-year-old. He did propose marriage while they were awaiting trial, and she had accepted... he's still in jail though.

Thanks so much to Nauseator's Human Corpse for giving me the book "Runaway Devil" for my birthday! An excellent read! Makes the "goth" crowd look as ridiculous as ever... (accurately...)